Thursday, March 31, 2011

One of a Kind Show, Toronto Spring 2011

Wednesday, I popped on over to the One of a Kind Spring show. The Show hosted a little breakfast Wednesday morning that included some bloggers. I chatted with JenEmilija and Lisa at the breakfast, and  browsed the show with Jen as we chit chatted about the Bloggers Give Back, our babies, and of course, decorating.

I picked up a few things at the show  - A bar of lavender scented soap (1), Lavender and Cedar Linen Spray (2) A little wooden car and boat for Oscar (3) and I fell in love with some art (4) and I also brought back some macaroons for Aubrey from Sweet Definition which sadly aren't photographed as we ate them too quickly. ;)
(1) Soaps by Demo Soap (2) Olive Linen Spray $12 by Olive Authentique(3) Thorpe Toys  (4 & 5) Paintings - Pauline Conley (6) Felt Animals by Lesley Anne Green (7) Playmobil Paintings by Studio Liscious

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