Friday, April 22, 2011

"Let's see if you like it in a week"....

I've been hunting for an ottoman for our Living Room for some time (See all of my posts dedicated to the topic here) All of the ones I *really* love are waaaay out of our price range. Surprisingly, however, as of lately, I've started considering this west elm ottoman as pictured on the left below. A bit strange, and unlike me, especially if you look at my past inspiration.
Although I'm more comfortable with a fabric like the one shown on the right I'm kind of thinking I may go the pattern. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, even if it is for just this blog post. ;) I do wonder if it will clash with our pillows? Or should I stick with my "ideal" ottoman and hold out for a fancier one with tufting?

Ps., When I showed Aubrey the ottoman he said "Let's see if you like it in a week." ;-) Even he was surprised at my suggestion of pattern.

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