Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Unexpected Art

When I was doing my Easter Egg project last week, I was using some wood canvases as my paint pallet. I had just picked them up earlier that day when I went to the art store with Erin. I don't know what made me use the wood canvas as a mixing surface but I'm glad I did.

I'd mix the colour for the egg on the wood and proceed to paint a rock. Half way through I looked down and realized that my mixing had turned out to be a kind of cute piece of art. I loved it so much I whipped out another canvas to see if I could be "creative". I wasn't intending on painting anything but the rock project turned out to also give me some unexpected art.

Aubrey is quite pleased as it brings a little colour to our sad 80's kitchen. This little nook isn't so sad anymore. :)

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