Sunday, August 28, 2011

1 smoke but 2 exausts, No smokes?? WHATAHELL??

Ok, Another FAQ

Following the previous post about RHD cars, another tutorial, now to solve the problem with smoke and exhaust

Cars with 2 exhaust but only 1 have smoke or car with 1 exhaust but there are two places smoke coming out, or sometimes doesnt have smoke

How to solve?

It is solved just by changing the values ​​handling

Repeating what is in previous post, I recommend you to use the Value That Are in the Read-me.txt

But if you want to use your own handling-line or the original from GTA-SA These steps follow:

Easier to make it, you must download Editeur Handling GTA San Andreas v2.0 or another editor of your choice.

After downloading and installing the program, open the Handling Editor

Go to File → Open → Find the Handling.CFG on "GTA-SA Install Directory\data" → Voiture (Cars) → Liste des VĂ©hicules (Vehicles List) → and look for a car with this problem (MOD) → tab Flags de vĂ©hicule [(af) modelFlags!!!] → Autres

If the car has only one escape, uncheck DOUBLE_EXHAUST

If the car has two exhaust check the DOUBLE_EXHAUST

If the car does not smoke out the exhaust uncheck NO_EXHAUST

If you do not want the car to smoke out a check the NO_EXHAUST (the nitrous work normally)

No effects on Driving, Acceleration, Top Speed, Drift, Rally, Grip, LM etc. etc.

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