Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mozilla Firefox v6.0 Final

Mozilla telah merilis kembali Firefox versi terbarunya yaitu v6.0 Final. Tidak tampak perubahan yang cukup signifikan pada sisi interfacenya. Perbaikan lainnya yaitu pada support plugin dan seting privasi yang lebih baik.
Kita bisa memilih untuk membuka tab di browser atau di perangkat grup Panorama. Lewat pengaturan add-ons, plug-in baru akan terverifikasi secara otomatis, jadi kita akan langsung tahu kalau versi yang kita gunakan adalah yang terbaru. 

Perubahan lainnya tampak pada tampilan nama domain di address bar. Sekarang nama domain yang tampil lebih kecil, untuk dilihat sekilas saja oleh pengguna. 
Jika mau coba silahkan download filenya dibawah sini. 

Some key Features :
· Comprehensive popup controls to keep unwanted advertising off your desktop;
· A tab browsing mode that lets you open several pages in a single window, allowing you to load links in the background without leaving the page you're on;
· Integrated search (powered by Google);
· Industry leading accessibility with Find As You Type - find links and page text by simply typing;
· Simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively;
· A streamlined browser window that lets you see more of the page than any other browser while at the same time being more configurable;
· A large variety of free downloadable extensions and themes that add specific functionality and visual changes to the browser.

Requirement :
· Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500MHz or greater)
· 64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater)
· 52 MB hard drive space

What's New :
· The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting
· Streamlined the look of the site identity block
· Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API
· Added support for EventSource / server-sent events
· Added support for window.matchMedia
· Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment
· Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it
· Improved usability of the Web Console
· Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync
· Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama
· Fixed several stability issues
· Fixed several security issues

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