Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Alone Ranger finale?

It's Spring of 2010 at this posting. I've been thinking of selling the Iron Horse.

Found another, bigger, more accessoried bike.. interested? 22 thousand miles on

a 2005 Yamaha 1100 V-Star. $5,500 if you act now!


Powder River County Courthouse - Broadus, MT

Population: 1,858 in 2000 Established 1919

The last county! The 56th to be checked off the list. We celebrated by having lunch, reading the Sunday Billings Gazette, fueling up and getting back on the road. Craig and I are heading back on Hiway 212 which will take us through Lame Deer, Crow Agency and Little Bighorn Battlefield. A pretty ride through the meadows and valleys. 2.5 hours later we pulled into Hardin, a mere 315 mile run since breakfast. I thought about pushing back to Great Falls that evening, but another 300 miles in the dark was not as tempting as home cooked meal and a visit with Craig's other half Carla and their sons, David and Jonathan. I got home about 3PM. Rode in heavy rain from Hardin to almost Eddy's Corner. Particularly challenging was getting through the muddy road construction near Judith Gap. It was good to be home, and done with this summer of riding.

Friends ask if I would do it again. Yes, I would, but next time I will take the time it should take to appreciate the scenic beauty Montana has to offer, and to visit with the people who make a living and grow where they are planted. I been thinking of combining a ride with the goal of shooting photos of the vanishing cabins, homesteads, ranches, and elevators. I will some day buy a camera that will help capture this wonderful state of Montana.

Dynamic Duo Road Photos

Crossing the Powder River on Hiway 12 heading to Miles City. Going to Broadus for lunch and the last County to check off the list of 56.

Dynamic Duo "On the Road"

Leaving Party Town

After breakfast we headed back towards Baker.

Dynamic Duo in Ekalaka

Carter Co with the partying Dynamic Duo

Carter County Courthouse
Ekalaka, MT
Pop: 1,360 Established 1917
We cruised in to Ekalaka about 7:30. Hot and tired, we found the courthouse in record time. (tallest building in town) as we clicking the photo, a tractor with hay trailer pulled up along side our motorcycles. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a sign that said;"The Church of..." There were a number of people on the haywagon, but I was busy putting the camera away. They shouted out, come down to the church for a pot luck party and dance! Now, I had been suckered into a church before with the promise of a good time. Turned into a night of trying to get back to the ship I was on with out getting converted to some wierd religion. So, I said. "No thanks, we're going to find a camping spot, get dinner and call it a night". Then I noticed the people in the wagon were drinking beer, in fact they were holding out their hands with ice cold beer in them. I looked again at the sign on the wagon, and it read: The Church of Hank Williams.
We again begged off the invitation, and they told us where the only campground was. We motored over and set up camp. Craig was in the shower when the group came back to offer us a ride to the big event, which was a fund raiser for a young married couple. The husband had been injured in an accident and medical bills were making life difficult. We again turned down the offer of a ride, but I contributed some money to the cause in exchange for two cold beers. It was sunset when we walked downtown and found a great little restaurant that had a bar up front. We enjoyed a good steak, and decided to walk to the Church of Hank Williams to see what was going on. We heard the celebration before finding the location. I would almost bet 3/4 of the town was kicking up their heels at a machine shop that had a sing that boasted it was the Church of Hank Williams. The hay wagon pulled in with another load of folks, and they had a guitar player, accordion, and a fiddle player. I knew we were in for a fun and long night. Here are a few photos of what I remember of our evening. In one of the hard to see photos, there are women's bras and swimsuit tops hanging in the rafters. Don't ask.. I'm not telling.

Fallon Co with the Dynamic Duo

Fallon County Courthouse
Baker, MT
Pop: 2,837 in 2000
Established in 1913

Oil and cows put Baker on the map. Baker features a nice sized reservoir skirting town. Some newer homes are lake side, but the water had the odor of a prairie water hole. Looks like they have a lot of fun on the water here. We thought about camping here, but felt there might be something in Ekalaka or the Medicine Rocks State Park, so we pushed on..

Prairie and Wibaux Co. with the Dynamic Duo

Prairie County Courthouse

Terry, MT

Population 1,119 in 2000

Established 1915

Getting hot! Drinking lots of water. I should have knocked out Wibaux (we-bow) county when I made the big Northern loop. Now it means we have to ride to Glendive on I-94 and on to the town of Wibaux. If I had done this before, we could have back tracked the 35 miles to Miles, and cut over to Baker. on #12. The trouble with the loop is there is only one paved road to Ekalaka, and its the same road out again. I was hoping that in 25 years they woud have paved the road from Ekalaka to Broadus. No such luck.

Wibaux County Courthouse
Wibaux, MT
Population: 1,068
Established 1914
It's about 4 Pm on September 6th. The town was very quiet. We snapped a photo and headed for Baker on Hiway 7.

Custer Co with the Dynamic Duo

Custer County Courthouse
Miles City, MT Pop. 11,696
Established in 1865

Wow, had Miles City ever changed. We came in the East entrance and I had no landmarks to go by. Everything had been built up! We headed for lunch at the Grenz's 600 Cafe, hoping it was still alive and well. Maybe is was the 25 years I'd been gone that distorted my memory, but Downtown looked different. While ordiering lunch I asked if Butch Grenz still owned the place, and was informed he had sold it to his daughter, and that he was downstairs baking. He stopped by our booth for a visit, and we caught up on a few old days stories back when I was the Chambers Executives Director. When I went to pay the tab, I was
told Butch had already paid for it. I've always said when it comes to living places on the prarrie, Miles City folks were the best. I need to go back someday, and poke around town again. If you ever want a true modern wild west experieince, go to the Miles City Bucking Horse Sale. Its always the 3rd weekend in May. I went to find my old house, and could not remember the address! We drove around a bit looking for it, but got frustrated, so we gases up and headed for Terry.

600 Cafe, Main Street Miles City Cousin Craig cruizen Eastern MT

Rosebud Co.

Rosebud County Courthouse - Forysth, MT
Population in 2000 - 9,383 Est. 1901
Cousin Craig met meat the junction of Hiway 47 and I-94 , near Custer, MT. We rode into 44 miles in to Forsyth. It is now Sept 5, and the weather was beautiful. I was excited to move n to Miles City, Where I had lived for three years in the early 90's. It was nice to have someone help save time by taking take a photo.

Carbon Co.

Carbon County Courthouse - Red Lodge, MT Population 9,552 in 2000
Established 1895

I spotted a sign on the lawn of a Motel that said tent camping so I pulled in. What deal! For $35, I got a nice grassy spot, hot shower, and breakfast the next morning. Red Lodge was packed!
There was a country music concert on the fairgrounds, and downtown was buzzing. It was getting dark, so I set up camp and set out to find a meal. The nearest bar with in walking distance was Sam Hoffmann's Red Lodge Ales Brewing Company. I arrived too late for a meal as the kitchen had closed for the night.
I settled for the seven sampler beer tray (twice) and several bags of chips and peanuts. The next morning, I was happy to find the breakfast bar was in full operation with a fine selection of my favorite items. The cooks name was Art! He did a fine job of telling stories and culinary entertainment. I might like his job when I retire.

Stillwater Co.

Stillwater County Courthouse

Columbus, MT

Population 8,195 in 2000

Established 1913

Pulling off I-90 I was amazed at how Columbus had become a freeway mecca. McDonald's, big truck stops, hotels. Who'd a thunk? It is here you catch Hiway 79 and start the incredibly journey to Red Lodge edging along the Custer National Forest.

Sweet Grass Co. Part 2

Sweet Grass Co. Courthouse
Big Timber, MT
Because It was raining so hard during the last photo I took of this courthouse, and because it was on the way, I thought you might like to see it in the sunshine. I was surprised how much it had rained this summer. Just about every trip included a bout of moisture. I am on my way to meet cousin Craig. He agreed to ride the South Eastern leg and completion of my 56 County quest with me.
I am cruising I-90 to get to Stillwater Co. and then to Carbon Co, the small pocket of counties I as not able to get to due to the rain delay the last time I was in Big Timber. My now I am getting used to 12-16 hour rides. I keep thinking 8 more hours a day and I could mix it up with he Iron Butt Club. I also know it dangerous it is to push past rest stops and losing mental focus. Stupid kills.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Virginia City

Virginia City is fairly well preserved from its root'n toot'n shoot'n days as a gold mining frontier town. You must take in the live theater presentations, train and buggy rides, and have your photo taken by an old time photography studio. In the mid 80's, I raced here from Bozeman, to video tape the arraignment of Don and Dan Nichols. They were the self styled mountain men who kidnapped Kerry Swenson, killed one of her attempted rescuers, and was tracked down and captured by County Sheriff Johnny Frances after a very long manhunt. I was working for KTVM TV in Bozeman at the time, and the footage went to all the Major networks. I don't remember getting paid for it, but it was worth the fame. Oh, yeah, I did not get credit for that either. Part of which shaped my management style to give credit where credit is due.

Madison Co.

NM Madison Co. Courthouse - Virginia City, MT
Established 1864 - Population 6,851

Steam engines and I

From Twin Bridges you take Hiway 267 to Virginia City in Madison County. Bikers love this road. Scenic, and enough turns to keep you on full alert. Nevada City was firing up the steam engine for the tourism run to Virginia City. Rumor has it they are retiring the line and putting the engine in a museum. You can also see miles and miles of ripped up river valley floor as the result of intensive dredge and water blast sluice mining for the elusive gold.

More Twin Bridges

Great place to eat in Twin Bridges.

I had a delicious breakfast and visits with the owners of the Blue Anchor Cafe. It is refreshing to dine at an old school restaurant that follow a courteous protocol with the floor and kitchen staff.
When the server inputs the order, they call "Order in please!" To which the kitchen cook says, "Thank you!" and the reverse order when your food in placed in the holding area. I hope they operate for many years because you really need to experience this culture of culinary.

Twin Bridges rest stop

Twin Bridges Campsite for cyclists. Meet two young men from Switzerland, one of which was on a two year ride from the top of Canada to the tip of South America, and the other came for a one month ride and to provide moral support for his friend. I set up my tent, walked downtown to call my wife. No Cell phone service for Verizon in Twin! Bought a six pack of Heineken (the international beer) and we shared stories and solved the problems of the world. What a wonderful repose for travelers. On one side was the bike camp and the other was a comfort station and overnight RV parking. I pitched at the bike camp because RVs use generators and the noise and smell make for a restless night.

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