Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sheridan & Daniels Co

Sheridan County Court House

Plentywood, MT

My first ever visit to Plentywood. I had a work acquaintance back in my Missoula days who grew up near here. Like most youth, they always say they escaped to the west, (Missoula) and only went back because of family demands. I found Plentywood to be friendly and accommodating. Had a piece of pie at Carl's Restaurant, and because it was threatening rain, I stopped at the local thrift store to buy some golf shirts to put on over my leather jacket in hopes of staying warm and dry. Wind was brisk from the East, as evidenced by the flag on the court house. I gassed up and hightailed it down Hiway 5 toward Scoby.
Daniels County Court House
Scoby, MT
Check out my new look! Not only functional but a color that can be seen in rain and the cover of darkness. Would have liked to spent more time motoring around this quaint burg, but I wanted to make it home by night fall. (I was dreaming!) The wind was now gale force, and I was about to learn the lesson of lean riding. Next stop was an hour away in Wolf Point.

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