Monday, February 15, 2010

Judith Basin & Fergus Co.

Judith Basin Co. Court House Stanford, MT

June 4-6-2009
The shake down runs are over, it's time to hit the road for a big loop. I decided to Make the upper Eastern Montana Run in early June to avoid what can be blast furnace weather. I had work to do in Lewistown, and my company was implementing furloughs so I thought a three day run would be a perfect use of a non paid day off. I found a pair of leather riding chaps at a local pawn shop, and my friend Kurt gave me an old visor helmet he had no use for. Left Great Falls at 6Am on a beautiful day. First County Seat would be Judith Basin and the town of Stanford. The soft early morning sun made for a great photo. Visitors to Stanford really should tour the Museum. There's a salt and pepper shaker collection that will astound you!
Fergus Co. Court House
Lewistown, MT

Lewistown, is one of my all time favorite towns in Montana. The Court House is one of
the finest to be found. Croatian stone masons have left magnificent buildings that never cease to amaze all who pass through. The Chamber of Commerce has a plethora of information that will help you with a self guided tour. Big Springs is a must see stop.
This was my all time embarrassing start of all the trips with the Iron Horse. I left town after a day of commercial shoots about 4 PM. I was almost to the County Seat of Petroleum Co. When I noticed the left saddle bag had popped open and all my clothes were gone! I had to back track 60 miles to the city limits of Lewistown. I did not see any of my belongings. I called the bike shop where I had the bike serviced while the other producer and I were busy video taping clients, thinking they may have taken t he saddle bags off and contents out to get at the back wheel. I did not want to scrap the trip for lack of clothes, so I gassed up and hit the road, now two hours behind schedule. Just past the city limits of Lewistown, out of the corner of my eye I caught the bright blue color of my thermal underwear deep in the ditch and hidden by weeds and tall grass. I walked the stretch of hiway ditch picking up my clothes. I must have been quite a sight to the locals going home from work. Nothing like a tough biker guy picking his underwear out of a ditch.

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