Sunday, February 21, 2010

Road trouble part 2

Most Miserable ride to date.
June 6th.

When I woke up at Deb and Brian's house in Havre and looked out the window to 3 inches of snow, I dreaded the thought of riding 110 miles in a consistently falling snow. I went back to bed and fretted. When I heard my hosts moving around, I got up, checked the weather channel, then to for the radar/Doppler and forecast. I called Kim, and she said it was only raining in Great Falls. The snow was wet, but not building up on the hiway, so I borrowed some golf pants to wear over my chaps, put on all the clothing that would fit under the jacket, covered up with the yellow rain shirt and hit the road. Other than the fact visibility was constant battle, the Highway 2 was in good shape. Spray from other vehicles was a bummer. About 50 miles to go, I was about a cold as I could ever remember. My gloves were wet, by boots were wet, and I started to feel wet on my shoulders. The topper was the last 10 miles being trapped behind a garbage truck spewing spray of what ever waste residue was in the last load, and a Hummer whose driver thought it was fun to make me a grill ornament. I swear if I thought I could find , let alone grip my hand gun I would have drilled a few rounds in his 10 foot behind me Hummer grill. I was about to pass the truck, when a long stream of cars came towards me. I pulled bake in behind the garbage truck and waited for the next straight stretch. My windshield was slimmed up with road oil and garbage mist. As I signaled to go around the truck, the Hummer pulled out and around me. As the Hummer tail lights rounded the garbage truck they lit up, The driver of the garbage truck hit his brakes swerved left to the shoulder of the road, I followed suit, hit the brakes an out of the corner of my eye saw the remains of a recliner chair that had been detonated by the Hummer. God love a dummy, it could have been me smacking that chair on a wet hiway and run over by a garbage truck and quite likely the Hummer. When I pulled to my garage, I was wet to the core. I took off my boots and poured out a pint of water. I was fully committed to buying proper riding gear before riding the iron horse again.

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