Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big Horn & Treasure Co.

Big Horn County Courthouse -
Hardin, MT

Population 12,671 in 2000 - Est. 1913

Cousin Craig put me up for the night in Hardin. Kinda funny, I ran in to him at the Hardin gas station, so I was able to follow him home, which was good as it was dark, and I had not been to his home in years. We left early the next morning for a dual ride to Treasure Co. To this point I had not ridden with a partner. New rules for riding.Its so tempting to ride side by side, but that can lead to trouble. It was a breezy but sunshine filled day.

Treasure County Courthouse - Hysham, MT

Population 861 - Established 1919

Here I am looking at my wallet. The weather was warm. Got lots of looks from the locals peeking out the window to see what two men on bikes were doing in front of the courthouse. Really cool museum and movie theater in Hysham. I'd come back just to experience a film here.

How cool is this. Yucca Theater - Hysham, MT

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