Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Petroleum Co.

Petroleum County Court House

Winnett, MT Pop. in 2000 - 493 Est. 1926

Arrived in Winnett about 2 hours behind schedule. I was bummed because I really wanted to bed down in Circle. One thing you have to respect ain Montana is the wildlife. Certain stretches of road and particular times of day invite trouble for a tired and cranky rider. I knew it would be a push to reach Jordan by night fall. but I still had energy, but just to be sure, I took a bathroom break and a Pepsi at one of the two Winnett watering holes.

The Deputy sheriff happened to arrive as I was getting ready to snap the photo. I told him what I was up to, and he said the road ahead would be "infested with deer."and I should "burn daylight". Maybe it was a polite way to say "keep moving away from my town", but he seemed genuinely concerned about me getting to Jordan safe.

As I went in for my Pepsi and bathroom break I walked into a 21st birthday party for the little lady on the left. There about 4 people in the bar, and one of the young bucks there insisted I stay for the party. I bargained by way out with a photo of the ladies and I next to the bike. Pepsi can on the sidewalk. I do not drink alcohol while riding. The young lady's husband showed up as the photo snapped. could have been his best side. I'm pretty sure it got real drunk out that night at the Winnett Bar. Note: They do have a cardtrol gas outlet in Winnett. Its a rustic town. Another note, always buy a round for four people in a bar. Friends for life.

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