Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Missoula & Lake Co.

Missoula Co.Courthouse - Missoula, MT

Pop: 95,802 Est. 1864

Missoula, birth town of my two children, second home owned, University of Montana education, 2nd and 3rd broadcast jobs. So many memories of life in the 70's. Sigh. There are times I wished I still lived here, but Great Falls is where I feel most connected. Found a real live leather jacket with all the features I've been needing. Snap neck collar, sleeve zips, and black to match the chaps I found in Great Falls. Stopped at the local spirit shop and bought a couple bottles of wine for my hosts.

Lake Co. Courthouse
Polson, MT
Population: 26,507 Est. 1923

Last court house stop for this leg of the journey of 56. I had not counted on riding on gravel for 30 miles at 25 MPH on Hiway 93 North. It was Saturday and there tons of people heading for the lake and Glacier Park. Both the bike and I were dusty and ready for a break.

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