Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mineral and Ravalli Co.

Mineral Co. Courthouse - Superior, MT
Population: 3,884 Established: 1914

I had been riding for so long on two lane roads that I almost forgot what the freeway was like. Interstate travelers, I think , are numb from driving so they tailgate and make me nervous. Traffic was heavy and kept me on my pegs to stay out of harms way. Starting to warm up. Bike is running well and rode at max speed limit. Motored through Missoula for the 60 mile run to Hamilton.

Ravalli Co. Courthouse - Hamilton, MT
Pop. 36,070 Est. 1893
Very busy Hiway 93! Even thought the road is four lane in spots, it still feels like the dangerous Hiway 93 I remember from the 70's. Had lunch about 1:30 and headed for Missoula. I had plans to stay with old friends on Flathead Lake, and was looking forward to it.

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