Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blaine Co and troubles on the road

Blaine County Court House
Chinook Mt. 6-5-09 Population in 200 7,009
Est. 1895
True confession. I got lost looking for the Court house in Chinook. By the time I found it, it was too dark for the flash to get an image. Usually you can spot the court house by it's dome or in larger communities by the way the founding fathers platted the land.
All Lake and river towns have similarities, as do rural spacious city designs. I called my Niece Debbie in Havre to ask for a place to land for the night. Got to Havre about 10PM, and welcomed a shot and a beer offered by her husband Brian. We had a good time catching up and me telling about my quest to this point.
Havre, MT June 6th.
I woke up set to get on the road at 5:30AM. Looked out the window and saw three inches of snow on the ground! I called my wife to ask her if she would drive the truck up to Havre and we'd truck the bike back to Great Falls. Her words of wisdom have become the motto for the subsequent 37 Counties I have yet to ride. She said, "Honey." "When you bought the bike, you bought the lifestyle." "Just don't be late for supper" Nuff said.

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