Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet Grass Co. Part 2

Sweet Grass Co. Courthouse
Big Timber, MT
Because It was raining so hard during the last photo I took of this courthouse, and because it was on the way, I thought you might like to see it in the sunshine. I was surprised how much it had rained this summer. Just about every trip included a bout of moisture. I am on my way to meet cousin Craig. He agreed to ride the South Eastern leg and completion of my 56 County quest with me.
I am cruising I-90 to get to Stillwater Co. and then to Carbon Co, the small pocket of counties I as not able to get to due to the rain delay the last time I was in Big Timber. My now I am getting used to 12-16 hour rides. I keep thinking 8 more hours a day and I could mix it up with he Iron Butt Club. I also know it dangerous it is to push past rest stops and losing mental focus. Stupid kills.

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