Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Richland Co

Richland Co. Court House
Sidney, Montana
Population in 200 - 9,667 Est. 1914
An hour north of Glendive and a whole lot of scenic farms and ranches, and oil pumps lies Sidney. Last time I was here was in the oil boom of the early 80's when I dropped off a friend who wanted to make big bucks working the oil boom. Never heard from him again. When I knew him he was a friend in the Lord. Someone later told me he found happiness in sex, drugs, and rock and roll. What ever cures the pain. Sidney looked like it had a wonderful face lift. A pocket of wealth in the part of Montana most like to say they were from. As you can see by the photo, clouds were starting to form, and being part of the adventure was to take what may come, I did not want to know what the forecast had in store. I've live in this state long enough to know the signs of weather change, and it wasn't going to be a change for the better. My song for the day was "Hit the road Jack" and Plentywood was a callen'.

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