Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prairie and Wibaux Co. with the Dynamic Duo

Prairie County Courthouse

Terry, MT

Population 1,119 in 2000

Established 1915

Getting hot! Drinking lots of water. I should have knocked out Wibaux (we-bow) county when I made the big Northern loop. Now it means we have to ride to Glendive on I-94 and on to the town of Wibaux. If I had done this before, we could have back tracked the 35 miles to Miles, and cut over to Baker. on #12. The trouble with the loop is there is only one paved road to Ekalaka, and its the same road out again. I was hoping that in 25 years they woud have paved the road from Ekalaka to Broadus. No such luck.

Wibaux County Courthouse
Wibaux, MT
Population: 1,068
Established 1914
It's about 4 Pm on September 6th. The town was very quiet. We snapped a photo and headed for Baker on Hiway 7.

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