Saturday, February 27, 2010

Deer Lodge & Beaverhead Co.

Deer Lodge County Courthouse

Anaconda, MT

Pop. 9,417 Established 1864

The Highway 1 loop from Phillipsburg to Anaconda was terrific. I arrived in town about 5PM. An old factory town, Anaconda was showing some signs of wear and tear. The upper dome of the Courthouse is in need of restoration. I would be a shame to see it deteriorate and have to be taken off. I think this is one of the more beautiful courthouses in Mt. I took a break at the rest stop near I-15, laid on the grass and took a short nap before mounting up for the run to Dillon, my planned camping spot for the night.

Beaverhead Co. Courthouse

Dillon, MT

Population: 9,202 - Founded 1864

After scoping out the KOA and camping sites in Dillon, I decided to push down Hiway 41 towards Twin Bridges. Glad I did even though it was the deer dodging time of day. I pulled into Twin Bridges about 8:30 and had to find a nesting spot before dark. Wow, did I ever find a spot! It was one of the highlights of my trip.

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