Sunday, February 14, 2010

Broadwater Co.

Broadwater Co. Courthouse - Townsend, MT

Population in 2000 4,385 Est. 1897

May 24 - 2009 The sun came out strong while I was in the Mint having breakfast. Wet gear now dry, and I'm ready to head North on #12 for Meagher Co. (Pronounced MAR) What a fun stretch of road this is Scenic, twisty, with road signs not to be ignored. If the speed sign says 45. It's 45 MPH. Had a logging truck tailgate me for 5 miles through a section I could not pull over on. Don't want to piss off those guys. Surprised at the amount of Sunday Am traffic on the road. Late for church?

As I crested the hill coming into White Sulphur Springs from the South, I was amazed at the sight of hundreds of US flags flying in the cemetery.

It was an inspiring sight, and as a Vet, I must admit it was also an emotional moment. The men and women of Meagher Co. take serving our country seriously. Storm clouds were gathering, and I was in a hurry to get over the mountain pass of Kings Hill before a snow storm could develop. Kings Hill is one of the highest passes in the state that has daily Hiway Dept. maintenance year around.

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