Friday, February 12, 2010

Pondera Co.

One of the first things I learned about my 2005 Yamaha 1100 V-Star, is that the gas tank looks bigger than it is. I was shocked to run out of gas bringing it home from Lewistown. Lewistown is about 110 miles from Great Falls traveling State Hiway 87. It was a windy day on the 10 of May, and the bike started sputtering, then quit about three miles West of Armington. I stoped along side a wide spot on the road, one of the few you'll find on this tight stretch of road, and saw the gas turncock had a reserve mark. I switched the gas valve over to reserve, fired it up and nursed it into the town of Belt. My first lesson, know thy gas range. I know what you veteran riders are thinking. "Duh." Yep. I admit it. Cause you know, it "wasn't my first ride." But I also have to admit, from the get go, I knew this whole bike thing was going to be an adventure. It's the journey not the destination kind of thing. Because I only rode the Honda around town, a tank of gas lasted a month. I figured with an average speed of 70 and a 40 mph wind, it simply sucked a lot of gas. Lesson #2. Buy gas every 85 miles. After getting home, I detailed the bike and got to know it better. Lesson #3. Google is you friend.
The first step of the all 56 county tour was a 5 county run. I headed for Toole Co. County Seat, Shelby. My mother lived in Shelby making it a good reason to make the first run. Leaving Great falls, I made my first stop the Pondera County Seat, Conrad. Earlier in the Month I interviewed a Conrad gentleman for the community affairs program I hosted on KRTV. He was on the show to talk about a fund raiser for a Deputy Sheriff who was strapped with hefty medical expenses from a battle with cancer. I parked in front of the Pondera Co. Court House, set up my tripod and camera, framed the bike in the viewfinder and hit the timer, ran back to the bike for a pose. Soon after taking the photo and stowing the gear back into the saddle bags, a big booming voice asked " Whats going on?" I turned around to face a uniformed Sheriffs Deputy. I told him that this the first leg of a journey, that would take me to all the county seats in Montana. We got to talking about a poker ride he was on last week end, and asked if it was the fund raiser for the Deputy Dawg. "Sure was." he said. " Nicest thing my friends ever did for me"

Pondera County Courthouse, Conrad, MT

Population in 2000 6,424 Established 1919
It was the first of many small world moments on this adventure. He thanked me for the promotion of the event, then remided me I was in a no parking area.

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