Sunday, February 28, 2010


Powder River County Courthouse - Broadus, MT

Population: 1,858 in 2000 Established 1919

The last county! The 56th to be checked off the list. We celebrated by having lunch, reading the Sunday Billings Gazette, fueling up and getting back on the road. Craig and I are heading back on Hiway 212 which will take us through Lame Deer, Crow Agency and Little Bighorn Battlefield. A pretty ride through the meadows and valleys. 2.5 hours later we pulled into Hardin, a mere 315 mile run since breakfast. I thought about pushing back to Great Falls that evening, but another 300 miles in the dark was not as tempting as home cooked meal and a visit with Craig's other half Carla and their sons, David and Jonathan. I got home about 3PM. Rode in heavy rain from Hardin to almost Eddy's Corner. Particularly challenging was getting through the muddy road construction near Judith Gap. It was good to be home, and done with this summer of riding.

Friends ask if I would do it again. Yes, I would, but next time I will take the time it should take to appreciate the scenic beauty Montana has to offer, and to visit with the people who make a living and grow where they are planted. I been thinking of combining a ride with the goal of shooting photos of the vanishing cabins, homesteads, ranches, and elevators. I will some day buy a camera that will help capture this wonderful state of Montana.

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