Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meagher Co.

May 24-09

Meagher County Courthouse

White Sulphur Springs

Population: 1,932 Established 1867

After this photo I put on all the warm weather gear I had with me. By the time I hit the top of Kings Hill on Hiway 89 it was snowing, but not sticking to the road. Still my first ride in snow, and I was just a little freaked. Not much traffic so I slowed down to about 35-45mph, and pushed on through to Armington Junction where 89 meets 87. The snow turned to a heavy rain by the time I reached the valley floor. Still fighting visibility with my glasses. Local Good SAMs has set up a free coffee stop so I pulled in for a break. Coffee reminded me how cold I was getting, so with 12 miles to go, I got back on the road and headed for home in Great Falls. The traffic was horrible and clogged with upset campers and their RV's headed back from a weather spoiled outing. When I got home, my clothing was soaked, and I bet I poured at least a cup of water out of my boots. I needed to get serious about buying proper riding gear. But know summer was coming, so maybe no more foul weather riding. Good thing I don't forecast weather for a living.

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