Thursday, February 25, 2010

Musselshell & Golden Valley Co.

Musselshell County Courthouse - Roundup, MT
Pop. 4,497 in 2000
Established 1911

Cousin Craig and I parted in Billings, and I rode North on 87 towards the Bull Mountains. A ride of scenic contrasts. As I approached the foothills, it started to sprinkle, so I pulled over and put on the rain gear. A couple on a Gold Wing from Nevada passed me and made gestures like "What? A little sprinkle tough guy?" About five miles down the road it started to rain hard, and I passed them along the road huddled under what looked to be a plastic garbage bag, digging through a bag no doubt looking for rain gear. Roundup is a pretty town. Loved the bronze sculptures in a well kept garden offset in the front of the courthouse. Turned on to Hiway 12 for the 36 mile run to Ryegate. Loved the ride. Kept the rain gear on.

Valley County Courthouse
Ryegate, MT
Pop. 1,042 Est. 1920
Looks like I had a few water spots on the camera lens. Some one tried to tell me they were spirit spots, but after cleaning the lens I can verify they were rain drop spots.. albeit very spirited ones. Met Cindy Ceiluch and her assistant at the gas station. Cindy was the wedding photographer at Bobby and Kendall's wedding, and she and I had worked together at KRTV. Sun had broken up the clouds, and warmed up considerably. Fun ride along the sandstone cliffs on the way to Harlowton. Snakes were sunning themselves on the road. Always concerns me that I might get hit one and it wraps arounds my foot and bites me. The things you think about at 70 MPH.

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