Monday, February 22, 2010

Flathead & Lincoln Co.

Flathead Co.Courthouse

Kalispell, MT 6-12-09
Pop. in 2000 74,471 Established 1893

Hit Kalispell about 6:oopm. Beautiful summer day. Missed the Art in the Park event as they were closing for the evening. I was hoping to run into a few folks I know from my nine years of living in the Flathead. It's been 9 years since I last stopped in the area and was shocked to see how much it had changed. In the summer it's still one of the most magical places on earth. Because of the proximity to Glacier Park, Flathead Lake and some fine recreational areas we had a saying. "The Flathead. Nine months of clouds, three months of company." The day my newly wed wife and I left, we hauled our home furnishings thru three feet of snow to the moving van. I grabbed a quick supper from the grocery store, gassed up, and headed the 80 Miles to Libby. This road can be thick with dear at this time of day, so my adrenaline kept me alert. The events of the day were piling up on me, and I just wanted to get to Libby and bed down for the night.

Lincoln County Court House
Libby, MT
Found a great little campground to pitch my tent. The Two Bit RV Park. Friendly with showers and a welcome biker sign. I journaled a bit about my mothers passing, called my wife, sister and brother. Drank a pint of vodka, crawled in my sleeping bag and had a fitful nights sleep. Beautiful morning the next day, gassed up, snapped a photo and continued west on Highway two to catch the south bound 56 to Sanders Co.

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