Saturday, February 27, 2010

Powell and Granit Co.

Powell Co. Courthouse

Deer Lodge, MT

Pop. 7,180 Est. 1901

August 28, 09. After a two week hiatus, I hit the road for the South West section of Montana. I zipped down the interstate to Helena, rode 12 to Garrison, then I-90 to Deer Lodge. Deer Lodge in Powell Co. is home to the state Prison. I think they might count the prison inmates as part of the population. Nice warm day, lots of traffic as folks were taking advantage of the last week of recreation before school starts.

Back tracking West on I-90 to Drummond I picked up Highway #1 for the gorgeous ride to Phillipsburg in Granite Co.

Granite County Courthouse
Phillipsburg, MT
Pop. 2,830. Established in 1893

Phillipsburg has reinvented itself as a destination attraction for visitors. The Sweet Shop is a must see stop for you chock-o-holics. I fueled up on some tasty milk chocolate. As I was loading the camera gear up, I notices the ski hill nearby had carved my initials on the mountain. It's a stretch but if you saw my handwriting you would
swear I wrote it myself.

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