Sunday, February 28, 2010

Custer Co with the Dynamic Duo

Custer County Courthouse
Miles City, MT Pop. 11,696
Established in 1865

Wow, had Miles City ever changed. We came in the East entrance and I had no landmarks to go by. Everything had been built up! We headed for lunch at the Grenz's 600 Cafe, hoping it was still alive and well. Maybe is was the 25 years I'd been gone that distorted my memory, but Downtown looked different. While ordiering lunch I asked if Butch Grenz still owned the place, and was informed he had sold it to his daughter, and that he was downstairs baking. He stopped by our booth for a visit, and we caught up on a few old days stories back when I was the Chambers Executives Director. When I went to pay the tab, I was
told Butch had already paid for it. I've always said when it comes to living places on the prarrie, Miles City folks were the best. I need to go back someday, and poke around town again. If you ever want a true modern wild west experieince, go to the Miles City Bucking Horse Sale. Its always the 3rd weekend in May. I went to find my old house, and could not remember the address! We drove around a bit looking for it, but got frustrated, so we gases up and headed for Terry.

600 Cafe, Main Street Miles City Cousin Craig cruizen Eastern MT

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