Saturday, February 20, 2010

Roosevelt & Valley Co.

Roosevelt County Courthouse
Wolf Point, MT
Population in 2000 - 10,620 Est. 1919
The wind between Scoby and Wolf Point on Hiway 13 was horrific! The good news was it turned sunny during this leg of the trip. But my head was constantly being pounded by the side wind. Felt as if I had a passenger constantly whacking me on the head with a 6 pound pillow. It took 2.5 gallons of gas to travel the 50 miles between Scoby and Wolf Point. The town was busy. I discovered why when I saw the carnival rides on the fairgrounds.
it was 5:00PM at this stop. I had been on the road for about 11 hours at this point, and was feeling it. Glasgow was only another hour, and I told my self, I might have to call it a day there.

Valley County Court House
Glasgow, MT
Pop. n 2000 7,675 Est. 1893
Again, brutal wind on Hiway two, but this time I was headed West and riding with the wind. The sun window was open, but I could see the storm clouds building ahead, and the air was starting to chill. Snapped the photo and was on the road by 6:20 PM. It would be dark in a few hours and I set my goals to get to Malta and Chinook and call it a day.
Bike is running well and traffic was light heading west. Very dramatic scenery with the contrast of dark storm clouds and brilliant sunshine bouncing off the hills in the foreground. Gave me energy. While on the road my diet was water, caffeine, beef jerky and assorted nuts.

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